C in short
First C program
Hello, world: On the internet...
Wikipedia - Zentut - Stackoverflow
Hello, world
Create a new work directory (on P)
Edit a text file hello.c (SourceCode/notepad++)
1 - Call to the library ``Standard Input/Output''
3 - Declaration of the ``main'' function (program entrance)
4-7 - Implementation of the function : block of instructions
5 - Posting to the standard output
6 - Returned value by the program (0, it's ok)
ToDo: Difference between puts and printf ?
Compile with GCC sous GNU Bash
GNU (GNU is Not Unix) an Operating System open created in 1983.
Few commands:
ls: list directory contents (
ls -la /global/path
)cd: change directory (
cd relative/path
)cp: copy paste (mv to move)
rm: remove (rmdir for directories)
man: manuals of commands and libraries ('Q' to quit)
And many others: apropos, whereis, clear, egrep, ...
MSYS and MSYS2 or Cygwin offer an alternative under windows.
Compile with GCC
Compile source code to target machine:
Some flags:
-std=c99 : Use C99 standard
-Wall -Wextra : Verbose compilation with warning messages (all and more)
-gdb : unable gdb to interact with the generated program
... : code optimization, compute for a diferent target machine, ...
Link component:
Example :
Language elements
First instructions in C
Basic types
int: standard integer
unsigned int: unsigned integer (~ absolut value)
short, unsigned short: small integer
long, unsigned long: long integer (double of int memory size)
long long, unsigned long long: very long integer (double of long)
char, unsigned char: character (eq. very small int)
float: standard floating point number
double: more precise than float
long double:very precise floating point number (double of double)
regroups a block of instructions [return one value]
Control structures - Logic
Attention: no boolean, only integers are manipulated.
Control structures - switch
You can see it as a succesion of several ``if ( == )''
Control structures - loops
Executing several-time a sucession of instriuctions:
Specific programe variables
struct: No classes, but the possibility to group variables together.
enumeration: define a finite domain
typedef: define new types.
Example (typedef):
Last updated
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