Errors handling

Faillure case scenarios

As you have noticed from now, JavaScript is a very flexible language, allowing you to perform things that is usually not possible in more conventional language like Java or C (e.g. non-typed variable and polymorphism). However, the drawback of this flexibility lays often in code instability and weird behaviors (this has an important part to do here).

Exploiting the non-typed approach of JavaScript, a way to allievate weird behaviors is to heavily rely on return; to stop the execution of a function that either does nothing to do, or has face a faillure/unauthorised case. To foster maintenable code, and well documented, the checkings is often made at the begin of the function -- regrouping all the verification in a single place which can be easily documented.

function foo(var1, var2, callback){
    if(!callback) //if callback is null or undefined, we stop here
        return; //return undefined
    if(var1 < 0)
    if(var2 > var1*this._someGlobalVar)
    if(!this.registerCallback(callback))//callback already exists for example

    // Now we can run the function's code

That is why you want to rely on get and set for your class! You can handle these scenarios and sometimes correct them with default behaviours (e.g. set a negative variable to 0).


However, no matter how hard you try, your code will fail one time or another (because of you, the user, the hardware, etc.). Despite return is a good approach in several cases, sometimes you need more powerful error managment. Indeed, when your script fails, it usually "dies" -- stops immediatly. However, maybe you want to recover from this error and do some specific actions instead of stopping your script (e.g. reinitializing your interface).

My advice is to break hard and break soon! Even if your code growth in size and take you more time by doing so, this is always a good practice, and it will help you when your code will become important.

A constructor should never failled! If it fails, an error should be thrown, or the construction of the object should be delegate to a builder (cf. Builder pattern): there should not be other possibility IMO.


JavaScript, as several other language, introduced the try...catch syntax:

try {
  // code...
catch (error)
  // error handling

When JavaScript arrives on a try...catch statement, first the code in try is executed. If no error are thrown inside this block, then the catch block is ignored. Otherwise, the rest of the try block is ignored once an error is thrown. The error is then handled by the catch block and stored in a variable (here error). Consequently, an error does not stop your script of running if it happens in a try block.

The catched error by catch is also an object. The built-in erros has the following useful properties:

  • name

  • message

  • stack

let json = "{ bad json }";

try {
  let user = JSON.parse(json); // <-- when an error occurs...
  alert( ); // doesn't executed

} catch (e) {
  // ...the execution jumps here
  alert( "The JSON seems to be corrupted." );
  alert( );
  alert( e.message );
  alert("We will try to retrieve it again soon");

Variable inside try...catch are local! You cannot declare a new variable inside a try block and use it elsewhere. This gives some confusion at the beginning, since it may change how your code is structured, especially with nested try...catch.


There is an additionnal clause to the try...catch which is finally. If attached to a try or a try...catch statement, the content of the finally block is always executed. This is usefull to end/finalise something that has been started. For example, closing a communication socket. The syntax:

try {
   // try to perfoms the code
} catch(e) {
   // lands here if an error happens
} finally {
   // always executed!

The finally clause works for any exit! That means if you return from a try or block explicitly, you will land in the finally block!

Custom error and throwing

You can produce your own error during the execution of your code. For example, parsing a JSON string and noticing that there is no information about an expected state of a game (i.e. gameState is set to undefined). To do so, we simply use the throw keyword:

throw new Error(message);

Error is the super type of all the errors in JavaScript. But there is more specific built-in errors, like SyntaxError, that can be used as Error depending on the situation.

When you throw an error, you create an exit point in code: all the instructions below are no longer executed (like a return).

In a complete example:

let json = '{ "nbPlayer": 4 }'; // incomplete data

try {
  let game = JSON.parse(json);
  if (!game.state) {
    throw new SyntaxError("Incomplete data: no game state send by the server!"); // <- We leave the try block here and be catched by the catch below
  alert( game.state );//never executed!
} catch(e) {// It catches both the JSON.parse error and OUR OWN ERROR!!
  alert( "JSON Error: " + e.message ); // JSON Error: Incomplete data: no game state send by the server!

You can rethrow a handled error in a catch. Rethrowing is used when the error received cannot be correctly handled where it happens and needs to go back up the execution stack.

catch(e) {
  if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
    alert( "JSON Error: " + e.message );
  } else { //if it is not a syntaxerror, we do not handle it here, we throw above
    throw e; // rethrowing

You can define your own errors by extending the built-in errors in the language, like any class. And then use it as any other errors:

class MyError extends Error {
  constructor(message) {
    super(message); = "MyError";

        throw new MyError("hey, i'm the message");
        if(e instanceof MyError)
            throw e; //rethrowing
            console.log("Error but not ours")
    console.log("This is a MyError error!!");

A good practice in your custom error could be to keep a reference on the object which has failed.

Since MyError is a class, you can inherit from it too!

Error and synchronicity

An important things to note is that try...catch works synchronously. In other words, if an error happens in a "scheduled" code, like in a event callback or in TimeOut, try...catch will not catch it. That is because the function is executed later in the code, when the engine has alread left the statement.

try {
  setTimeout(function() {
    noSuchVariable; // script will die here
  }, 1000);
} catch (e) {
  alert( "not catched!" );

Thus, to catch an error in an asynchronous, the try...catch need to be in this very function!

setTimeout(function() {
  try {
    noSuchVariable; // try..catch handles the error!
  } catch {
    alert( "error is caught here!" );
}, 1000);

In addition, in the case of a async/await situation, it is possible for a promise rejects an error, just as if there were a throw statement at the line of the .reject(new Error).

async function f() { //note the async and await
  await Promise.reject(new Error("Error here!")); // equivalent to throw new Error("msg");

However, in real situation, the promise will take some times before it rejects. In that case, we can use try...catch to catch the error throw by awaiting.

async function f() {
  try {
    let response = await fetch('/bad-url-lol');
    let user = await response.json();
  } catch(err) {
    // catches errors both in fetch and response.json

You can wrap multiple await line in one try as showed above!

If you don't use try...catch, you can still catch the error by using the .catch statement when f() becomes a rejected promise: f().catch(alert).

Browser debug

Use your browser to debug your code!! A good tutorial from the Chrome DevTools.

Last updated

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