Inheritance and prototype chain


In JavaScript, there always exists a special property for each object called [[Prototype]], that is either null or a reference to another object, called a prototype. Prototypes are used to perform prototypal inheritance, which means than the prototype of an object extends this very object. In other, this allows an object to directly reuse properties and methods from its prototype automatically: this is transparent for the developper!

This property [[Prototype]] is internal and hidden: you will not iterate over it with loop for example -- instead you will iterate overs the properties/methods of the prototype. Their is several ways to access the prototype, such as the historical __proto__, but we will not use it anymore. Instead, we will use the class oriented methods, more clean: Object.getPrototypeOf() and Object.setPrototypeOf().

Let's illustrate prototype setting and automatic access of the prototypal chain:

let martialArt = {
  grade: "3rd Dan",

let kendo = {
  armor: true,

let kendoTournament = {
  participant: 105,

Object.setPrototypeOf(kendo, martialArt); // we set the prototype of kendo with martialArt obecjt
Object.setPrototypeOf(kendoTournament, kendo); // IDEM kT with kendo, which has its prototype filed with martialArt!

alert(kendo.armor); //true
alert(kendo.grade); //"3rd Dan"
alert(kendo.participant); // Error // We can't go "down" the prototype chain
alert(kendoTournament.armor); //true
alert(kendoTournament.grade); // "3rd Dan", we go up again in the prototype and get martialArt property!
alert(kendoTournament.fight()); // "Tōōōō~~~"

Visually, this give something like:

As you can see, there is one additional prototype, which is the Object.prototype. Indeed, when you create an object, JavaScript automatically attach to this object the Object.prototype in the exemple: this gives us access to a lot of useful function defined for all the object, such as toString().

Execution context: this

Since this is dynamic in JavaScript, an iterrogation may arise: what is the value of this once in the prototype chain?

The answer is always the initial object calling the property/methods, not the objects from the prototype chain: this is not affected by the prototype chain at all.

Use the following rule to help you find the value of this: no matter where the method is found, this is always the object before the . (dot)!

let martialArt = {
  grade: "3rd Dan",
    this.versus= true;

let kendo = {
  armor: true,

Object.setPrototypeOf(kendo, martialArt);


alert(kendo.fight); // cli: HAJIME!
alert(martialArt); // Undefined variable this.versus in the prototype

What happens here is that the variable versus has been attached to the calling object kendo, despite the fact the function that creates it is in its prototype (martialArt). martialArt does not have a versus variable after that.

There is no hoisting (cf. Advanced reminder) concept involved here!

Override in writting

The prorotype is only used for reading properties and methods, not for writting them. Write operation (as for delete though) works directly with the object itself. Thus, you can rewritte an actual function existing in the prototype by the object's own definition of the method.

let martialArt = {
  grade: "3rd Dan",
    console.log("Tōōōō~~~"); // this method will not longer be used by kendo

let kendo = {
  armor: true,
Object.setPrototypeOf(kendo, martialArt);

kendo.fight = function(){
  console.log("Geikō time! BANZAI!");
alert(kendo.fight); // Geikō time! BANZAI!

This works as an override because now, JavaScript directly find the method you are calling: thus is does not have the need to go back up the prototype chain.

Manually extending object: F.prototype

By now, it should be clear how prototype can be used for object inheritance. As stated above, this is called prototypal inheritance. Here we will see how we can extend an object using constructor function and new operator by using a property named prototype.

Here we speak of a special property called prototype, not the [[Prototype]] seen above. It is only used once: while construction an object via a function thanks to new.

This property prototype of a constructor function (cf. OOP section) means the following: "When a new object is created (by using the new operator), assigns its [[Prototype]] to the given object". By this mean, all the objects from a constructor function created with new will all have the object as prototype.

let martialArt = {
  grade: "3rd Dan",

function Kendoka(armor){
  this.armor = armor;

Kendoka.prototype = martialArt; // all the instance of Kendoka will have martialArt object in their direct prototype chain

let kendo = new Kendoka(true);
alert(kendo.grade) // 3rd Dan

Class inheritance

Class inheritance is a basic feature in OOP allowing to extends the functionalities of a class with ones from another class. In JavaScript, it is basically a syntactic sugar for prototype manipulation.

class Satelite{
  constructor(name, velocity=-1)
  { = name; this.velocity = velocity;

    this.velocity += (velocity * 9.8);
    console.log("I'm attracted... by u!");

    this.velocity = 0;
    console.log("K... B O O M");

let sat = new Satelite("Hinode", 500);

This is how graphically the above example can be represented:

Now, if we want to create a new class, lets say Planet, that is based on Satelite (i.e. that share similar concepts), we can use the extends keyword to indicate so. The global syntax is class Child extends Parents. In our example, this will result in:

class Planet extends Satelite{
    this.rotation += degree;
    console.log("I'm rotating! Youhou!");

let venus = new Planet("Venus"); // <- Observe that we used the Planet constructor calling the Satelite constructor!

venus.rotate(20); // I'm rotating! Youhou!
venus.beAttracted(300); // I'm attracted... by u!

Internally, extends keyword works using prototype mechanism. It sets Planet.prototype.[[Prototype]] to Satelite.prototype. So, if a method is not found in Planet.prototype, JavaScript takes it from Satelite.prototype, as we have seen before.

While extends is often used with class, you can put any expression after. That means a class can extends a function for example.


As said previously, when JavaScript is told to execute a specific method from an object, it firts checks if this object has a property of that name. If not, it goes back up the object prototype and checks in it, and repeats the operation while the property has not beend found or there is no more prototype to explore. That means if we define a new explode method in Planet, all planet object will have a function property named explode: JavaScript will not bother to go back up the prototype chain. This is called overriding a method.

However, when overriding a method from the parent class, we often want to build on top of it, not entierely replace it. In other want, we want to call the parent method before (or after), then perform the class's specific operations. To do so, we use the super keyword (e.g. super.explode()).

class Planet extends Satelite{

    this.rotate(15000); // Lets spins a little the ball of death before exploding!

let venus = new Planet("Venus");

venus.explode(); //  I'm rotating! Youhou! ; "K... B O O M"

super can also be used to override constructor. Currently, Planet does not have is own constructor, it relies entierely on the Satelite constructor. But if your class needs to have a specific construction, you can't rely entierely on the parent class (which is probable more generic). Calling a constructor parent with super(...) can only be done in a constructor.

class Planet extends Satelite{
  constructor(name, rotate){
    super(name, 0); // calling the constructor of Parent (and creating the first "part" for planet)
    this.rotate = rotate;

A child constructor MUST always have a call to its parent constructor (super(...))! In addition, this call MUST be made before any property affection (e.g. this.x = smth). This is logical, because you build your child on top of your parent!

When a class extends another class, and has no constructor, JavaScript create a default constructor, directly calling the parent constructor. The default constructor is the following:

  constructor(...args) {

As a consequence of overriding the default constructor, it becomes unavailable. Once you define your own constructor(s) (for an extended class), you can't call new MyClass() anymore.

Protected and private inheritance: reminder

Protected fields are not supported to the language-level. As so, the convention is to used the _ to prefix them (cf. OOP section). A direct consequence of this is that protected fields are directly accessible from a child to its parents -- since they are just properties obfuscated.

Private fields in the other hand are not inherited. There is no direct access to a private methods/attributes from a child to its parent. Consequently, you will need to rely on both getter and setter to retrieve the information, otherwise JavaScript will throw an error.

Such a limitation can be sometimes to severe. It is up to you to determine whether or not it is good for you code to use private fields over protected one, and all the implications that it creates.

Static inheritance

Static methods and static properties are also inherited!

class Satelite{
  static place = "Universe";
  constructor(name, velocity){...}

  static compareSatVelocity(sateliteA, sateliteB)
    return sateliteA.velocity - satelireB.velocity;

class Planet extends Satelite{

let planets = [
  new Planet("Venus", 120),
  new Planet("Mars", 80),

planets.sort(; //call the sort method of Arrays, using the static method from satelite to compare
console.log(planets[0].name); // cli: Mars
console.log(planets[0].place); // cli: Universe

Mixins: or multi-inheritance

As we have seen, there is only one [[Prototype]] for an object at a time. This implies that multi-inheritance is not possible using extends. Despite this prevents complex and dangerous inheritances (like diamond ones), this can feel a little limitating. To alleviate this, JavaScript implements mixin.

A way to implement a mixin in JavaScript is to define an object continue the desired useful methods, and then merge them to the desired objects, by using the Object.assign(source, mixin) function.

let myMixin = {
    console.log("Hello, I'm a useful func");

    alert("Hello World");

class A{
  { = name; }

Object.assign(A.prototype, myMixin);
new A("testMixin").usefulFunc();

From wikipedia:

A mixin is a class that contains methods for use by other classes without having to be the parent class of those other classes.

Mixin is a simple method copying process made by JavaScript: it does not consume the extends slot.

Method and function borrowing

Sometimes, you will just want to use a specific method from another class, and inheriting from it could be misconceptual (i.e. inheriting a Planet while the child is Pencil). It is possible to borrow methods from an object, by using the bind, apply and call keywords.

Go check online for resources! Like this one or this one.

Just a word on bind thought. This very useful keyword allows us to set the value of this to the provided value.

Example (from MDN):

const module = {
  x: 42,
  getX: function() {
    return this.x;

const unboundGetX = module.getX;
console.log(unboundGetX()); // The function gets invoked at the global scope
// expected output: undefined

const boundGetX = unboundGetX.bind(module);
// expected output: 42

Hook example :

var hooks = {};

function add_to_function(name, func) {
  if(!hooks[name]) hooks[name] = [];

function call_my_function(name, ...params){
     hooks[name].forEach(func => func(...params));

Last updated

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