In this section, we will see how you can conjuge an OOP approach with Vue.js
Exporting your class
The first thing you need to do is to export your class declaration. If you have a one class per file project organisation, a Weapon.js class could look as
Once your class is exported, you can still use it within other classes (or even inherit from them). For example, a NPC.js class using a weapon:
import Weapon from"./my/path/Weapon.js"; //Weapon variable is available, we can construct new weapon is `new`exportdefaultclassNPC{ //don't forget to export this class too!constructor() {this.weapons = [];this.weapons[0] =newWeapon(5,"bamboo"); //new instance of weapon! }pickWeapon(wpn) {this.weapons.push(weapons); }throwWeapon() {this.weapons.pop(); }}
Then, in a component, you can use this class. Example:
<template> <divclass="hello"> <h1>{{ msg }}</h1> <pv-if="hand"> yo! {{ npc.weapons.length }}<br/> <!--displaying size of the weapons array of the npc--> </p> </div></template><script>
import Weapon from'../model/Weapon.js'//don't forget to import themimport NPC from'../model/NPC.js'exportdefault { name:'myComponents', props: { msg: String },data(){ //remember, in a component, data must be a function! return{ npc:null,//our npc object } },mounted(){ //hook on mounted, we init the object. It could have been done before.this.npc =newNPC();this.npc.pickWeapon(newWeapon(7,"chakram"));console.log("New weapon acquired! GG");setTimeout(() => { //update of the weapons, we will throw a weapon in 2 sec, for testing reactivity since we print the array length!this.npc.throwWeapon();console.log("Weapon throws");this.npc.weapons[0].family ="reactivIsIt?"; //re-render once modified! },2000); }}
With all that, you have what you need to adopt an OOP approach in your Front End app! Have fun!