
Here a lecture on software and architecture for mobile robots at the IMT-Nord engineering school.

This lecture is an introduction on how to develop a modular control and supervision software for a mobile platform. The notions are illustrated with tutorials based on Linux/ROS and Kobuki/Turtlebot2 robot.

Introduction - pdf version

This support

This support is stored on github shared thanks to gitbook.


The evaluation mainly consists in the realization of an application involving specific challenges:

  • Autonomous Control of an AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle)

  • Mapping and Localization

  • Research and recognition of an object

Going further

Most of the content and supports for learning robotics architecture are already shared on the internet. We try to orient the students through project realizations rather than to provide an exhaustive definition of concepts and implementations. This course relies on the ROS middleware for practical sessions, the ROS doc tutorials and ros-packages' descriptions:

You also can find an excellent virtual working environment and resources on TheConstruct.


For comments, questions, corrections, feel free to contact:

Guillaume Lozenguez (coordinator, but not the only author here).

Last updated

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