Move the Robot
This tutorial aims to take control of a tbot robot. A tbot is a turtlebot2 robot (based on a kobuki platform) equipped with a laser range to navigate in a cluttered environment and a camera to recognize objects.
Connect the tbot:
If it is not yet the case, the machine connecting the robot and its sensors have to be configured accordingly to the IMT MobiSyst tbot
You will have then a ROS-2 WorkSpace including tbot meta-package (pkg-tbot
) itself including several ROS packages.
Verrify it:
Build the packages:
ATTENTION all your command as colcon build
need to be executed from you ROS workspace. The root directory of your ROS project (i.e. mb6-space
Update your shell environment variables:
Connect the tbot base, the laser and launch the control nodes (a ros launch file permits to start a collection of nodes with a desired configuration):
Into another, you can explore the existing node (rqt_graph
) or topics (ros2 topic list
Finally, you can try to take control in a third terminal:
Close everything with ctrl-c
The teleop publishes a geometry_msgs twist
message. It is composed of two vectors $(x, y, z)$, one for linear speed $(m/s)$, and the second for angular speed $(rad/s)$. However a nonholonomic ground robot as the tbot would move only on x
and turn only on z
. It is not as free as a drone, you can echo the messages into a 4th terminal.
Try to control the robot with
ros2 topic pub
command publishing in the navigation topic (/multi/cmd_nav
Tbot integrate a subsumption multiplexer. The node listens different topics with different priorities (by default: /multi/cmd_nav
and /multi/cmd_telop
) and filter the appropriate commands to send to the robot. The topics cmd_nav
and cmd_telop
stend for autonomous navigation and operator teleoperate. The human operator has a higher priority and make the multiplexer to trash the cmd_nav
Our first node
The goal is to create a process connecting a topic and publishing velocities as a twist message:
First we have to create a file for our script.
The script depends from several ROS2 ressources.
You can try that everything is well imported:
In a shell:
Next move consists in making a node and an infinite loop
You can try that a node is created :
Move Script
We want our node to publish velocities continuously. To do that we have to import the type of message we have to send, to instantiate a publisher, and to publish messages.
You have to add the next pieces of codes at the appropriate location in the
To verify that everything is right:
Basicly it echoes 0 speed vectors. To investigate what is a Twist
you can ask to ros2 interface
or search at the package location (/opt/ros/iron/share
) (or search the documentations).
In case of nonhonolome mobile ground robot, the control uses two speed values, one lienar (x) and one angular (z).
SO, for a circling behavior:
At this point, your robot should move... Notice that you can also test your code on turtlesim
by changing the name of the velocity topic.
Last updated
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