Move To
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The idea here is to develop a move strategy to permits a robot to reach positions successively, in a cluttered environment. To do that, the node subscribes to a topic goals
to get in a position to reach.
The main difficulty here, consists in following positioning kwoledge of the goals while the robot is moving.
It supposes that you play with at least 2 frames. A local frame is attached to the robot and is moving with it. A global frame permits to localize the goal at a fixed position in the environement and the robot (i.e. the local frame). It supposes that your global frame is fixed in the environment.
Classically, we use the map frame for global referring system, but without map it is possible to use the odom
(from robot odometer). The robot is defined with different frame: base_link
at the gravity center of the robot. base_footprint
as a projection of base_link
on the floor.
By starting any sensor as the laser, the publishing data is in its own frame. It would be impossible for rviz2 to display the laser information into map
frame (fixed frame). The map
and laser
frames are independent.
Start the laser and rviz2:
In rviz, connect to scan topic, but nothing appears. Try by modifying the global frame with the frame of the laser.
The package tf2_tools
provides with a process that generates a graph of the connection between the frames.
In ROS tf
stand for transformation. It is a central tool permitting getting space-temporal information from a frame to another. It supposes that specific messages are published into dedicated topic tf
. At this step, no transform are published...
It is possible to generate a static transformation (it supposes that the laser is fixed in the environment at a specific position)
You can validate with view_frame
that the 2 frames ares connected and that laser scan are displayed in rviz.
The first 3 numbers fix the translation. It is the potion of the laser
center into map
. The next 4 numbers give the rotation.
In fact, the publisher generates a TransfromStamped mesage and the rotation is based on quaternion definition (cf. wikipedia for details...) Display the frames in rviz2 (add > axes > set reference frame) and play with different configurations (kill and restart the static_transform_publisher
For a simple robot, it can be dozens of frames and it grows with robot parts (legs, arms). ROS provide a tool (state publisher) to publish transform regarding how the frames are interconnected. The tbot launch file of the tbot_start
package already starts state publisher based on a description of the tbot (kobuki robot in IMT Nord Europe configuration).
Spot every thing but rviz and start the tbot launch file: tbot_start
. Generate the frame graph (view_frame
In basic configuration, the robot provides a first pose estimation in global odom
frame (ie. transformation between odom
and base_link
). So set the fixed frame in rviz on odom
, the laser scans appear. Connect to tf topic and all the frame axis appear too.
Oficial documentation about tf2:
Bonus: it is possible to visualize the robot in rviz2: add > robot description (select the appropriate topic).
Naturally, ROS also provide C++ and Python library to manipulate transformation and permits developers to get pose coordinate from a frame to another.
The idea is to a declare a tf2 listener, an object that will subscribe to transform topics and maintain transformation data. Then it is possible to recompute pose coordinates in any connected frames.
More on :
The idea in our context is to develop a node localGoal
that will remember a pose in a global frame and publish at a given frequence the pose in another local frame.
For our new node, we have to declare the elements permitting the node to listen and keep the transformation available, a listerner
and a buffer
Do not forget to import tf2_ros
into your script and to add the reference into the package dependencies (package.xml
The node is also defined with it onw attrituts: for instance a target local frame, a goal pose (position orientation).
And finally we require a timer with a callback function to publish continuously the goal pose.
We can now address the interesting question: How to transform a position defined into a frame in another frame ? It consists in building a Transform object from the reference and target frames. While a listener was declared on a transform buffer, it is possible to create this object from that tool (if exist).
The Transform object is generated with the method lookup_transform(target_frame, reference_frame, time)
. This method gets a target_frame
(the frame id in which we want the pose) a reference_frame
(the frame id in which the pose is currently defined) and a time. In fact, the transformations are dynamically. The position and orientation of elements (the robot(s), robot parts, ...) change continuously and it is possible to get transformation in the present or in the past. To get the current transformation a node.time.Time()
permits to get the current time.
The lookup is not guaranteed to achieve. It can fail in case of a gap in the transforms or obsolete transforms. In case of fail, an exception is thrown accordingly the python exception manager (more on w3schools).
Finally, inside our publish_goal
call back, getting a transform will look like:
The transform is a stamped transform (ie. defined in a given time) defined by geometry_msgs
package. The pose transformation is already defined in a ros method of tf2_geometry_msgs
package and it require the installation of python3-tf2-geometry-msgs
(things are never simple in ros...):
The goal poses itself is not interesting. The objective now is to include this code into the reactive move node in order to permits the robot to reach a decided destination, by avoiding obstacles.
Get the goal pose from a topic pose (a pose can be published with rviz).
Convert the received goal pose into a global frame (odom
Control the robot to reach the goal (the control is in the local frame)
Stop the robot if it is close enough to the position.
Rather than a unique pose, it could be interesting to define a succession of pose to follow (a path). That for the reactive move has to manage a list of pose and switch from a pose to the next one each time it is expected.